Sunday, 8 August 2010

the journey into the unknown( your spirit takes flight)

Your spirit has left your earthly body
Your earthly life, over
The phase completed
You move on to the next phase
And your spirit continues its celestial journey
To journey to life eternal
A journey to be sojourned by every pilgrim
That ever walked the earth
That path we all must tread
While on earth you followed the path of light
You saw the way
Knew the truth and got the life
The life eternal
Now as you continue the journey
May you find favours with the angels
And may your spirit take its flight on this beautiful course
The course of life eternal
May light perpetual shine upon you
Your light will never grow dim
He will keep his angels charge over you
Your memories we shall forever keep
Pictures hung on the wall, phones, wallets and in our hearts
Heaven has its angel back
Earth just lost a treasure
Safe flight
Fare thee well
Good night sweet dreams
For I am assured you will wake up in the morning

1 comment:

The Priest said...

Deep stuff
dreams made real
innermost feelings n fears